weekend recap, december 16
1. mantle detail | 2. big kid | 3. quiet night | 4. red skies at morning | 5. thinking of newtown | 6. bad beagle | 7. macro work | 8. good beagle | 9. empty woodshed
So here's what I'll say about Love Actually, now that we've finally seen it. Does Emma Thompson really think she can play Hugh Grant's younger sister? That moment when she hugged Hugh Grant and called him her big brother? Neel and I giggled for hours afterwards, especially since we've had a running joke with some friends for years about Emma Thomson playing younger than type. Ever since she played the younger sister in this movie. As my friend Mark suggested, next we'll see The Jon Benet Ramsey Story, starring Emma Thomson... as Jon Benet.
Our month has been so funny. Neel's to-do list at work is laughably long (including, on Friday, an 8 hour drive for a 15 minute presentation). All of my deadlines are pushed up due to the holiday, and Cal is staring down a week (!) of exams. Add to this the piles of extra stuff to get him ready for Richmond, and well, I think we all feel a little stunned. It's a good time here. This season, the frenzy and the excitement. It's all good, right? And if things slip, that's all good too. I think that's a little of what my miserable, day long headache was about on Sunday. I've had so many this winter (unusual), and I was laid so low. Cinnamon rolls and Chex Mix unmade. I think I've reached the limits of my human capabilities. Somehow, along the way I really have learned to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good, and as long as I can keep chipping away at that list (and keep the headaches at bay) I'll be okay.