weekend recap, february 3
1. honoring my favorite "o" baby | 2. plums in the icebox | 3. winter sunset | 4. foggy morning | 5. pitball | 6. soothing | 7. studio time | 8. foggy morning | cal's cookies
So? How was everybody's weekend? It's kinda hard to believe that we had tons of snow on the ground when Cal got home on Friday, and it was 62ยบ on Sunday. Crazytown weather. Am I just being greedy for hoping another snow? Probably, but a girl can dream.
We had NO PLANS this weekend, and it was great. It's the first weekend since Cal's been in Richmond that we've had nothing going on, and I loved it.
I'm curious, how many of us are introverts? I know I am, and I'm thinking Neel is too. Cal is having trouble believing us when we say we think he's an introvert, and I get that. I mean he's a pretty average teen in a lot of ways. He likes hanging out with his friends, a lot. But after a week of uninterrupted people time, from hanging with his roommate (a super cool kid) to hanging on the Senate floor, Cal does not rush out to see if his BFFs are home and ready to hang. He crashes on the sofa and asks what movie we're going to watch. Recharge by being alone? That's how I know I'm an introvert. That's how I know he's an introvert.
So we're paying attention. Trying not to pepper him with questions as soon as he gets home. And stopping with the scheduling of things on the weekends. That was good. We watched the last of the Harry Potters (Speaking of which, WTH JK Rowling with just now deciding that Harry and Hermione should be together? I'm not sure I approve of authors coming in and changing their minds after the fact. Or at least telling us about it. And I'm not saying I disagree, just... ), we watched All the Presidents Men, and! Wait for it... We watched Gone With the Wind (It's Oscars month on AMC.)
We've been watching a lot of movies. I'm okay with that.
And so another week begins. No snow in the forecast and the Broncos lost the Super Bowl. Not sure what I have to look forward to, but I'll manage something, I'm sure.