Yeah, sometimes I make things...just not lately! Will you look at that...what a dump. I didn't do a lot of knitting on the trip, some embroidery, and (shamefaced) a good bit of sudoku. I sank right down into the laziness of island life with no drive stronger than to relax and have fun. To enjoy every moment.
So I'd stuff my knitting in my bag when we headed out to the beach or pool each morning, but I'd never do more than a round or two. I'd read some or simply laze around. I've never been very good at sitting still. I think that's why I like knitting so much. I can watch tv, keep an eye on dinner and hang out with my family, all while plowing my way through a few repeats of a scarf or pair of socks. I got a lot better at sitting still while we were in Greece.
Knossos Beach Hotel, Crete. With a view like this, it's hard not to get distracted and simply gaze away.
Now that I'm home, my fingers are as restless as the rest of me. I'd love to get my hands in some projects, but I just can't do it with this mess looming.
I can't even find my sewing machine in all that.
I don't have a huge stash, really. Not compared to some I've heard about, but I do feel overwhelmed, and I'd like to spend the summer reducing my footprint. I'm gonna try really, really hard to work from my yarn and fabric stash this summer. Really, I promise.
I have plenty to work with, just look at that little baby pile of fabric. And yarn too. So be patient with me a little longer, let me get cleaned up and organized, and then I might have something to show for it.
I did do some cleaning in the sewing room this afternoon. A little, at least. But my inner Greek slithered out and I came back down to make one of these:
It's a frappe'. I had a daily does of this loveliness while we were on our trip. I have mine metrios me gala (medium {sweet} with milk) and they're super easy to make. Pour two teaspoons of instant coffee into a cocktail shaker with a teaspoon of sugar and 4-5 teaspoons of water. Shake until really foamy. Pour into a glass and add milk and more water to taste. Relax and enjoy. That's what I did.