five things, december 20
The annual day-after-Thanksgiving tree lighting in Nantucket.
1. I think I am not a fan of this year's five-exams-in-a-row schedule. These poor kids! Cal is completely brain dead, and his science teacher (the science test was last) has to feel like he's not getting the best effort. No matter. By noon-ish today, it'll all be over and Christmas break can begin!
2. I think things are kicking into high Christmas gear around here. My mom arrived on Wednesday and my dad arrives tomorrow. We have much fun in store and much to do. I'm mostly (mostly) done with everything except for having fun, so that's good, right? Full speed ahead on the riotous good times.
3. I think it's crazy that my hometown made the front page of USA Today this week for this story. It's not a great one really. You've heard my regular refrain about street flooding and sea level rise around here, and here's the story in depth. If you take the time to watch the video, near the end they describe a neighborhood that has raised houses (for approximately $135,000 per house) and is now creating an artificial wetland to help stem the tide of the rising river water. Well, that wetland is along my regular walk, and I've been watching its progress. Exciting solution to a scary prospect.
4. I think I have to guard against thinking I'm going to get all sorts of things done while Cal is in Richmond this winter. The biggest shift in my day-to-day will be the absence of the school run. I generally leave around 2:30 to hop in the carpool line, and because of timing and traffic, my working day is pretty much shot. I'm hoping I can take advantage of some extra hours and fill those hours to keep from missing him too much.
5. I think I can't let you go without sharing this video. It's older, so you've probably already seen it, but I can't stop watching it. Call it an early Christmas present.
Have a great weekend getting it all done, my lovelies! XO