{still + life} mostly 365 jan 16-22
January 16 | Fuji X-E2, 35mm
January 18 | Fuji X-E2, 35mm
January 19 | Fuji X-E2, 35mm
January 21 | Fuji X-E2, 35mm
January 22 | Fuji X-E2, 35mm
Okay, I know I said I wasn't going to say much from here on out, but I have a couple things to say. First, like I said last week, the gaps represent the days I shot film. I may even go back and replace some of these shots with film. We'll see when I get my scans back. Kim (she's we_are_blessed on Instagram, go follow her) suggested I write down in a planner the days I'm using film shots, and that's what I'm doing. Sort of. I've tried to switch to an online planner and I'm not in love. I like paper. I think all the pretty colors in Neel's online calendar swayed me a little, but it might be time to admit defeat. So I'm asking: what kind of calendar do you use? Do you love it? If you hate it, I think I don't really want to know.
And I finally caught up with all of your lovely comments. Mostly I hate when I get behind and can't answer you all right away, but in a way it's nice to spend my morning reading and responding to them all. Like we all went out for coffee together. Or tea. That's nice.