hooray for headbands, and I mean that, really

You can't imagine what it's taken to get me to this headband-loving place in my life.  First I had to get rid of the headaches.  Seriously.  And this is probably a whole other "before/after" kind of post, one I've been thinking about writing for quite awhile, but, in brief, headbands used to give me headaches, and I had to stop getting headaches in order to be able to wear headbands.  There was a whole long twenty three years of non-headband wearing there for me.  Sad, but true.

Now that I can wear headbands, and in fact need to wear headbands (thank you hot yoga, my sweat tastes DELICIOUS), I have discovered something very interesting.  I must have a really small head.  Any headbands I've tried, including the super-tight, intense sport-grip headband, slide up the back of my head.  (It's either the smallness of my head - whatever - or the slope of the back of my head.  Seriously, can you believe I spend time thinking about these things?  You all probably know me well enough by now to make that much perfectly believable.  Ahem.)


Heather Bailey to the rescue.  She has a great headband tutorial that has, get this... TIES in the back in addition to the elastic.  TIES!  What a great idea.  They were super fast and easy to whip up, and gave me the perfect excuse to A) keep on keepin' on with the sewing thing and B) use the awesome pincushion ring that Megan gave me for Christmas this year.  I think it looks like a funky little alien on my finger and I love it.

Almost as soon as I trimmed the threads, I yanked back my bangs with it and headed to yoga for a test run.  Can I say that my headband rocked?  It rocked.  Just tight enough, because of the TIES, I suspect.  So perfect that I went straight home and made one for Jean.  That's the one you see up there.  She was tired of eating her own sweat too.  So hooray for headbands.  In all sorts of ways.  If you know what I mean.