(03/30): bag


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This is Amy Butler's Nigella Yoga bag.  I made it for this person:


This is my friend Jean, and today is her birthday!  Hooray Jean!  You're getting older.  In this picture she's dong what she does best.  Hanging with her baby while balancing her famous hot wing dip.  Really, making her hot wing dip is another thing she does best.  Callum just came to read this post as I write it, and he instantly accused me of eating Jean's hot wing dip without him.  That's how much we all love it.

We love Jean too.  She is one of my favorite people in the world, and it's hard to imagine my life right now without her in it.  She make me laugh, she listens and she "gets" me.  Who could ask for more in a friend?  We started taking yoga together a few months ago, and if anything, we're growing closer.  I wanted to make the yoga bag for her birthday to celebrate Jean, but to also celebrate this thing that we do together. 

Thank you for taking the journey with me, my friend.  And many happy returns of the day.

Namaste bee-atch.