five things, february 18 edition

JJosephnecklace33_ 1. I think I must be the luckiest person in the world when I get to take pictures of beautiful things like this. It came from Simply Selma's, a wonderful local shop which is owned (in part) by a friend of mine. I have no idea how much this necklace cost (nor the earrings or bracelets which I also photographed), and that's probably a good thing considering the fact that it sat casually in my lightbox for two weeks waiting for the perfect combination of light and time. I got to spend the day taking photos in the shop yesterday, and you can expect to see some of those here real soon.
2. I think Callum's teachers are inspired with their idea of full-moon homework. Last night all the kids in fifth grade got to research a topic of their choice. This was their only homework for the evening. The guidelines were that it be age-appropriate, that they include an illustration, an illustrative paragraph about their topic and an explaination for why they chose their topic. Even coming home tired from lacrosse practice, Callum was captivated all evening. He chose the hydrogen bomb.
3. I think I am so grateful that Neel finally got some good news at work this week. It was about damn time.
4. I think I had a bit of a photographic breakthrough on Valentine's Day, thanks to my dear friend Rebecca and her lovely daughter. If she's willing, you'll see some of those photos here soon too. For the first time during the whole shoot, I felt confident. Like I was getting the images I wanted, and making her feel comfortable while I was doing so. It paid off in some of my favorite pictures ever.
5. I think it's important to have gratitude for this creative spurt I'm in right now. I know that it won't last. I don't mean that in a doom-and-gloomy way. I'm pretty pragmatic, actually, and I know that the fire I feel now will be replaced by days when I feel less than inspired and not like picking up my camera. I know there will be. It's okay. My mom said to me the other day that creativity needs constraint (she was referring to me bemoaning my lack of technical skill), and sometimes that constraint comes in the form of those days of dim down-time. When you're charging on all cylinders like I am now, moving from writing to photographing to editing (at lightening speed!)...well, I'll have to recharge at some point, won't I? Someone, please remind me of this when that day comes! But what I want to say, is that I am grateful. I am so grateful for this moment right now. For the writing I'm doing. For the work I have. For the pictures I'm taking and the ones I'm planning. For each and every day and how I'm able to move within it. I am so grateful.