the list

List After too many summers where we feel like we've left much undone, this year we made a list. It's a fluid thing, getting tweaked and added to... seems I can always think of more I want to do. But June's almost gone, and I'm starting to panic! In case you can't really read it (and actually want to), I'll lay it out for you here:

1. Be happy
2. Bike rides
3. Callum and Momma run a mile
4. Family beach days/mornings/dinners
5. Papa drinks more water!
6. Board game/game night @ least 1x a week
7. Callum cooks dinner
8. Callum and Momma cook together
9. Do more!
10. Explore the area
11. Go to the lab (Callum with Papa)
12. Lunch once a week with Papa
13. Walks after dinner
14. Tides game (local minor league team)
15. Mini trip for Momma and Callum
16. Sleepovers
17. Neighborhood gatherings (India night)
18. Practice lacrosse
19. Callum learns to dive
20. Callum ties a tie
21. Lauren + Lightroom = friends

We're already making a dent, but like I said, there's more to add. Every day I think of things, it seems. We want to soak up every minute of this wonderful season.