five things, august 26 edition

0711_summer_sun1 1. I think that despite the fact that we never do all the things we set out to do, it's been a good summer.
2. I think my biggest regret is that we didn't get to the beach more.
3. I think that 6th grade is going to be a very good year. Callum gets his class list today (he found out his homeroom teacher on Monday and is very excited), and he can't wait.
4. I think I'm ready for our old/new routine to begin.
5. I hope that the ocean is this serene soon again. When I originally wrote this blog post (and on a good week, I can sometimes get ahead of the game), I blithley hoped that I'd be blogging about the first day of school on Monday, but I suspected that I'd be blogging about this gal. Have ya seen the news lately? We have a target on our backs apparently. All week, as we've watched the weather (and I have to say, our weather guys are generally pretty low key), the news has gotten worse. Right now we're hearing 60-80 mph winds and 12 inches of rain. Last night we went to bed knowing that today would bring a decision to evacuate. It's not yet dawn, but right now our plan is to hunker down. We're under a Hurricane Warning now. Parts of our city are under a mandatory evacuation, but not us. At the very beginning of the blog is a post about Hurricane Isabel, and comparisons are thick on the ground. This could be worse. We have supplies and plans and friends around us to help. We have doggies who will be very worried, and an eleven-year old who thinks he's in for the thrill of a life.

Anyhoo...I may not be around for awhile. I fully anticipate losing power pretty early into this thing. I don't suspect my readership is so large that there are millions around the world worried about the state of affairs over here at Still+Life, but for those of you who are, we'll check in when we can. I don't think Callum will be starting school on Monday.

And one final thing. Callum's wearing orange today, and I'll be digging out Neel's UT shirt (all my Tennessee gear happens to be pink, go figure), to show my pride in this woman.